우리들의 낙원

1938-09-01 개봉126분imdb icon
평점: ★ 7.5 / 10
시카모어 가족은 사업가였지만 인생을 즐기는 것에 역점을 두기 시작 한 반더호프 할아버지에 의해 이끌어지는 별난 가족이다. 시카모어 가족 일원은 누구나 자신들이 하고 싶은 것을 하며 산다. 할아버지의 딸인 페니 시카모어는 우연히 집으로 타자기가 배달된 것을 계기로 소설가가 되는가 하면 페니의 남편은 지하실에서 폭죽을 만드는 것에 열을 올리고, 또 그 두 부부의 딸인 에씨는 발레 지도 선생의 평가와는 달리 자신이 최고의 발레리나라고 꿈꾸는가 하면, 에씨의 남편 에드는 일보다는 실로폰을 연주하거나 에씨가 만든 사탕을 하나하나 포장지에 싸서 파는 것으로 시간을 보낸다. 시카모어 가족에서 정상적인 단 한 사람 앨리스 시카모어는 부유한 토니 커비와 사랑에 빠지는데, 고루하고 거만한 커비 일가가 시카모어 가족의 집에 저녁 식사를 하러 오면서 재앙 같은 사건이 벌어진다.


진 아서

Alice Sycamore

제임스 스튜어트

Tony Kirby

Lionel Barrymore

Martin Vanderhof

Edward Arnold

Anthony P. Kirby

Mischa Auer

Boris Kolenkhov

Ann Miller

Essie Carmichael

Spring Byington

Penny Sycamore

Samuel S. Hinds

Paul Sycamore

Donald Meek

Mr. Poppins

H.B. Warner

Mr. Ramsey

Halliwell Hobbes

Mr. DePinna

더브 테일러

Ed Carmichael

Mary Forbes

Mrs. Anthony P. Kirby

Lillian Yarbo


Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson


Clarence Wilson

John Blakely

Josef Swickard


Ann Doran

Maggie O'Neill

Christian Rub


Bodil Rosing

Mrs. Schmidt

Charles Lane


Harry Davenport


Irving Bacon

Henry - the Head Waiter (uncredited)

Ward Bond

Mike - the Detective (uncredited)

James Burke

Chief Detective (uncredited)

Eddy Chandler

Plainclothes Policeman (uncredited)

Anne Cornwall

Miss Jones - Blakely's Secretary (uncredited)

Nell Craig

Blakely's Inquisitive Office Worker (uncredited)

Edgar Dearing

Bill - Plainclothes Policeman (uncredited)

Pat Flaherty

Police Guard at Courtroom Entrance (uncredited)

Robert Greig

Lord Melville (uncredited)

Kit Guard

Inmate Wearing Black Cap (uncredited)

John Hamilton

Kirby's Dining Guest (uncredited)

Edward Hearn

Court Attendant (uncredited)

Russell Hicks

Kirby's Attorney (uncredited)

Edward Keane

Board Member (uncredited)

Pert Kelton

Inmate (uncredited)

Edwin Maxwell

Kirby's Attorney (uncredited)

Frank McLure

Restaurant Patron (uncredited)

Charles McMurphy

Guard (uncredited)

James Millican

Policeman (uncredited)

Edward Peil Sr.

Neighbor Helping with Move (uncredited)

Ian Wolfe

Kirby's Secretary (uncredited)

Eugene Anderson Jr

Bobby (uncredited)

Stanley Andrews

Attorney to Kirby at Arraignment (uncredited)

William Arnold

Reporter (uncredited)

Johnny Arthur

Kirby's Office Aide (uncredited)

Frank Austin

Neighbor (uncredited)

Harry A. Bailey

Neighbor (uncredited)

Joseph E. Bernard

Neighbor (uncredited)

Beatrice Blinn

Neighbor (uncredited)

Charles Brinley

Neighbor (uncredited)

Beatrice Curtis

Neighbor (uncredited)

Betty Farrington

Neighbor (uncredited)

John Ince

Neighbor (uncredited)

Stella LeSaint

Neighbor (uncredited)

Margaret Mann

Neighbor (uncredited)

Tina Marshall

Neighbor (uncredited)

Eva McKenzie

Neighbor (uncredited)

Fred Parker

Neighbor (uncredited)

George C. Pearce

Neighbor (uncredited)

Ed Randolph

Neighbor (uncredited)

Frances Raymond

Neighbor (uncredited)

Bert Starkey

Neighbor (uncredited)

Dorothy Vernon

Neighbor (uncredited)

Bess Wade

Neighbor (uncredited)

Gladys Blake

Mary (uncredited)

Joe Bordeaux

Taxi Driver (uncredited)

Ralph Brooks

Restaurant Patron (uncredited)

Stanley Brown

Newsboy (uncredited)

Gloria Browne

Child Dancer (uncredited)

Wallis Clark

Bill Hughes (uncredited)

Chester Clute

Hammond (uncredited)

Nick Copeland

Barber (uncredited)

Dick Curtis

Strongarm Man (uncredited)

Sidney D'Albrook

Trustee (uncredited)

Lew Davis

Reporter (uncredited)

Lester Dorr

Reporter (uncredited)

Jack Gardner

Reporter (uncredited)

William Lally

Reporter (uncredited)

Gene Morgan

Reporter (uncredited)

Vernon Dent

Expressman (uncredited)

Kay Deslys

Woman (uncredited)

Florence Dudley

Woman (uncredited)

Almeda Fowler

Woman (uncredited)

Alice Keating

Woman (uncredited)

Georgia O'Dell

Woman (uncredited)

Dagmar Oakland

Woman (uncredited)

Rosemary Theby

Woman (uncredited)

Homer Dickenson

Man (uncredited)

Oliver Eckhardt

Man (uncredited)

Sterrett Ford

Man (uncredited)

Jesse Graves

Man (uncredited)

Louis King

Man (uncredited)

Bob Kortman

Man (uncredited)

Ralph McCullough

Man (uncredited)

Clive Morgan

Man (uncredited)

Cy Schindell

Man (uncredited)

Harry Semels

Man (uncredited)

Ernest Shields

Man (uncredited)

S.S. Simon

Man at Jail (uncredited)

Victor Travis

Man (uncredited)

Roland Dupree

Child Dancer (uncredited)

Edward Earle

Bank Manager (uncredited)

Jim Farley

Police Sergeant (uncredited)

Eddie Fetherston

Worried Neighbor (uncredited)

James Flavin

Jailer (uncredited)

Byron Foulger

Kirby's Assistant (uncredited)

Dick French

Bank Clerk (uncredited)

Carlton Griffin

Bank Clerk (uncredited)

Dick Rush

Bank Guard (uncredited)

Bruce Sidney

Bank Clerk (uncredited)

Harry Stafford

Bank Clerk (uncredited)

Carlie Taylor

Bank Clerk (uncredited)

Joe Geil

Child Dancer (uncredited)

Billy Wolfstone

Child Dancer (uncredited)

Chuck Hamilton

Guard (uncredited)

Oscar 'Dutch' Hendrian

Ice Man (uncredited)

Harry Hollingsworth

Doorman (uncredited)

Paul Irving

Office Manager (uncredited)

Boyd Irwin

Attorney to Kirby at Arraignment (uncredited)

Eddie Kane

Attorney to Kirby (uncredited)

Frank Mills

Trustee (uncredited)

Bruce Mitchell

Policeman in Park (uncredited)

Wedgwood Nowell

Diner (uncredited)

Blanche Payson

Matron (uncredited)

Lee Phelps

Bailiff (uncredited)

Hilda Plowright

Lady Melville (uncredited)

Doris Rankin

Mrs. Leach (uncredited)

Ky Robinson

Court Policeman (uncredited)

Frank Shannon

Mac (uncredited)

C.L. Sherwood

Drunk (uncredited)

Edwin Stanley

Executive (uncredited)

Bert Stevens

Court Bailiff (uncredited)

Laura Treadwell

Kirby's Dining Guest (uncredited)

John Tyrrell

Strongarm Man (uncredited)

Walter Walker

Governor Leach (uncredited)

Pierre Watkin

Attorney to Kirby (uncredited)

Pat West

Expressman (uncredited)

Larry Wheat

Kirby's Secretary (uncredited)

Alex Woloshin

Russian General in Jail (uncredited)

Bess Flowers

Martin's Neighbor in Courtroom (uncredited)

Jimmy Anderson

Porter in Bank (uncredited)

Dorothy Babb

Child Dancer (uncredited)

William A. Boardway

Pedestrian (uncredited)

Howard Davies

Neighbor (uncredited)

Bill Dill

Reporter (uncredited)

Melvin J. Gibby

Reporter (uncredited)

Joseph Glick

Prisoner (uncredited)

Jack Grant

Policeman (uncredited)

Beatrice Hagen

Woman (uncredited)

Sam Harris

Diner (uncredited)

Dick Johnstone

Prisoner (uncredited)

Hilda Rhodes

Woman (uncredited)

Ruth Robinson

Neighbor (uncredited)

Gale Ronn

Neighbor (uncredited)

Nell Roy

Woman (uncredited)

Bee Stephens

Woman (uncredited)

Belle Stoddard

Neighbor (uncredited)

Jane Talent

Woman (uncredited)

Patty Thomas

Child Dancer (uncredited)

Pearl Varvalle

Woman (uncredited)

Gertrude Weber

Woman (uncredited)

Bud Wiser

Policeman (uncredited)


프랭크 카프라


Robert Riskin


Moss Hart

Theatre Play

George S. Kaufman

Theatre Play

Stephen Goosson

Art Direction

Arthur S. Black Jr.

Assistant Director

Gene Havlick



Costume Design

프랭크 카프라


Irving Lippman

Still Photographer

George Parrish


Max Reese


Bernard Newman

Costume Design

Dimitri Tiomkin

Original Music Composer

Joseph Walker

Director of Photography

William Knight

Makeup Artist

Lionel Banks

Assistant Art Director

Edward Bernds

Sound Engineer

Garry A. Harris

Sound Recordist

Eugene Joseff


Morris Stoloff

Music Director

Curly Twiford

Animal Wrangler


Columbia Pictures


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