ARK: The Animated Series

첫 방영일: 2024-03-21마지막 방영일: 2024-03-21시즌 1개총 에피소드 6개
애니메이션Sci-Fi & FantasyAction & Adventure
평점: ★ 8.4 / 10
등록된 소개글이 없습니다.

시즌 정보

시즌 1

에피소드 6개


매들린 매든

Helena Walker (voice)


Mei-Yin Li (voice)

제라드 버틀러

Gaius Marcellus Nerva (voice)

데이비드 테넌트

Sir Edmund Rockwell (voice)

제프리 라이트

Henry Townsend (voice)

Zahn McClarnon

Thunder Comes Charging (voice)

데버리 제이컵스

Alasie (voice)

엘리엇 페이지

Victoria Walker (voice)

칼 어반

Bob (voice)

Ron Yuan

Han Li (voice)

데보라 메일맨

Deborah Walker (voice)

Cissy Jones

The Gladiatrix (voice)

러셀 크로우

Kor (voice)

Tatanka Means

Mato (voice)

빈 디젤

Santiago (voice)

말콤 맥도웰

Senator Lucius Casius Virilis (voice)

Juliet Mills

Chava (voice)

Ragga Ragnars

Queen Sigrid (voice)

앨런 튜딕

The Captain (voice)


빈 디젤

Executive Producer

Gareth Coker

Original Music Composer

David Hartman

Supervising Animation Director

제라드 버틀러

Executive Producer

러셀 크로우

Executive Producer

Alan Siegel

Executive Producer

Will Nichols

Art Direction

Melany Mitchell

Music Supervisor

Maverick Yadao

Sound Designer

Maverick Yadao

Sound Re-Recording Mixer

Marc Diana

Executive Producer

Stephen Baker

Sound Re-Recording Mixer

James Baldanzi

Executive Producer

제이 올리바

Executive Producer

Lauren Arnold

Associate Producer

Tony Solis

Sound Re-Recording Mixer

Jeremy Stieglitz

Executive Producer

David Hartman


Stephen Baker

Sound Designer


In Memory Of

Jojo Aguilar

Production Design

Jesse Rapczak

Executive Producer

Doug Kennedy

Executive Producer

Samantha Vincent

Executive Producer

Wes Gleason


Andrea Bajandas

Associate Producer


Lex and Otis


Studio Wildcard


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